UPDATE (11/10): Thanks to your efforts, a special meeting was called for Thursday, November 12th at 1 pm. John via zoom at: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/8055463100 Attend and speak during public comment requesting the Board of Trustees to censure Trustee Sysak and for Sysak's resignation. ----- Board President Peter Sysak is facing public pressure to resign in light of his racist social media posts. Over 150 Cuesta faculty, staff, students, and SLO County community members attended the November 4th board meeting calling for Trustee Sysak's resignation during a public comments session that lasted over an hour. (SLO Tribune Article here). Trustee Sysak's disparaging comments targeted the undocumented community, trans people, Black people, and Muslims, in addition to supporting known white supremacists groups. It is unacceptable. We continue to support the students, faculty, and staff of Cuesta College and their right to a Board of Trustees that respects them. ACTION: E-mail the Board of Trustees to request a special meeting to publicly address Peter Sysak's behavior and demand his immediate resignation. E-MAILS: [email protected] (Peter Sysak District 4) [email protected] (Dr. Barbara George District 2) [email protected] (Patrick Mullen District 3) [email protected] (Angela Mitchell District 1) [email protected] (Mary Strobridge District 5) [email protected] (Student Representative) [email protected] (Jill Stearns, Cuesta College President) [email protected] (Executive Assistant to the Cuesta President) [email protected] (Ebony Lopez, Assistant to California Community Colleges Chancellor Eloy Oakley) TEMPLATE: Dear Board of Trustees, As a member of this community, I e-mail you with deep concern about Peter Sysak’s racist behavior and the damaging impact it has on the BIPOC community in San Luis Obispo county. There is a lack of faith for Cuesta College's ability to continue being a safe and equitable space for students from marginalized backgrounds. I demand a special meeting to address the abundant public concern regarding board President Peter Sysak’s recent actions. Board President Peter Sysak must resign. (You may choose to include any connection with Cuesta or your district)
Virginia Roof
11/8/2020 03:27:37 pm
Thank you for posting!
Gina Whitaker
11/10/2020 08:07:55 pm
As a member of this community, I e-mail you with deep concern about Peter Sysak’s racist behavior and the damaging impact it has on the BIPOC community in San Luis Obispo county. There is a lack of faith for Cuesta College's ability to continue being a safe and equitable space for students from marginalized backgrounds. I plan to attend the special meeting on Nov 12 to address the abundant public concern regarding board President Peter Sysak’s recent actions. Board President Peter Sysak must resign. Comments are closed.
The Central Coast Coalition for Undocumented Student Success (CCC-USS) is a collective of advocates and educators that challenges anti-immigrant and oppressive ideologies, institutional practices, and everyday actions that threaten undocumented and vulnerable communities.